Monday –  Friday 8 am to 8:30 am (Early Morning Inspiration)

Monday – Friday 9 am – 10 am (MACK NTHE MORN)

Monday 7pm to 8pm Something to Chew on (With 1st Lady McCoy)

Wednesday Mid Week Prayer 12pm to 12:30 pm (With WMRM-DB)

Wednesday 7pm to 8pm (Bible Class With WMRM-DB)

Thursday 5pm to 6pm (Live on the Radio)

Friday 12pm to 12:30pm  Food for Though (With Sister Karen Mason)

Friday 6 pm to 10 pm (Live on the Radio)

Saturday 09:00 am to 09:30 am Let’s Talk Gospel Music Gold (With Ansonia Gibbs)

Saturday 11:00 am to 12 pm (The LORD Sabbath day with WMRM-DB)

Sunday 10:00 am to 11 am Sunday class with ( Mind Renewing Ministries )